Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I can't believe how cold it was this morning when I got up, 14º! And just the other day it was 60º. I think the birds were cold too, because there were a ton of goldfinches on my feeders along with some woodpeckers on the suet feeder. Here's a couple that I got a pic of. The larger one is a female Red-Bellied Woodpecker and the small one is a female Downy Woodpecker. They sure can eat up the suet in no time!


  1. Cold here in Nebraska also! You got some great pictures of those woodpeckers! Awesome!!

  2. Those are beautiful pictures! Great job on the photography!

  3. Brrrrrr is right....It's even cold here in Texas! Great pics of those woodpeckers and it looks like you at least have the sun shining! It's raining here:(

    Take Care - Robin

  4. What a cute little woodpecker! I would like to make a beaded one someday!! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Cheers from Boston! :D


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