Monday morning we left for a short little trip up north to see the fall leaves. We ran into some light rain then it turned into snow flurries. We got to La Crosse Wisconsin and stayed the night. We went with our best friends/neighbors, who were so nice to let my hubby drive one of his corvettes! We drove his silver car and they drove the red one. It was so fun!! Boy those cars are hard to get in and out of! LOL Then Tuesday morning we got up and headed back down towards Illinois on the Iowa side of the Mississippi river. They have a scenic route called the Great River Road which was so pretty! We stopped at a park in McGregor Iowa and walked on some of the trails and got some great pics. McGregor is a great little town with lots of little shops. I did find one primitive shop there called Navy Rose Co and a bunch of antique shops which we visited, but didn't get anything. Next year we are going to plan a longer then 2 day trip. Enjoy the pics!

Pikes Peak State Park had some great trails to walk on!

The corvettes we drove! Fun! Can you see me sitting in the silver one?

Some Great Fall Color!

The Mississippi River between Iowa and Wisconsin