This bag I made was from a 20 lb. bag of seed. I get the 50 lb bags now if my hubby is with me. On Craft Buds blog she gives you 2 different size bags you can make I used the small 15" size for my bag. I cut mine just a little bit bigger as the front of the bag was almost 16" folded flat.
Now cut a square 15" from the front of the bag and the back of the bag. With both layers together cut a 3" wide x 2 1/2" tall square out of each corner.
Then with your right sides together stitch a 1/4" on both sides and across the bottom of your tote.
Then take your corners and pin them together and stitch.
Then I took the sides that I cut off from the seed bag, which were 15" long by 4" wide and made straps for my tote.
I just folded them length wise with raw edges in the center and stitched down the open edge a 1/4"
Before sewing your straps on, turn over your top edge of your tote under and stitch along that so you don't have a raw edge at the top of your bag. Now find the center of your bag on one side. I just fold it over and make a crease. Then measure 2 1/2" from that center mark and mark with a pen. Then lay one end of the strap up next to the mark so your strap is to the left of the pen mark on the left side and for the right side of the strap, to the right of the pen mark. There should be a 5" space between the straps in the middle. Sew a square and then a X to secure your straps. Do the same on the other side of your tote.
Then turn your tote right side out and there you have it!!! I will be making a bigger bag with my 50 lb. bag that I have saved. I need something to carry my fiber fill in when I'm stuffing dolls. One of my kitties like to rip up the plastic grocery bags that I normally use. Don't think they will be ripping this bag up!
In other news, I now have a pattern for my new Primitive Mamma Rabbit Bunny and Baby Doll!
The pattern can be found at Pattern Mart, My Etsy shop, Here on my blog and my website, Rock River Stitches. There is a link to Pattern Mart for a instant download over on my right hand column.
And I forgot when I was out taking pictures of the beautiful snow we got last week, I wanted to tell you about this really neat app I got for my iphone. It's called Photosynth. It lets you take panorama photos. You take several photo shots and then it hooks them together as one! Very cool! Here is one I took of my backyard. It's made up of 4 photos "stitched" together as they call it!
Just go to your App Store on your iphone and get Photosynth, its FREE!! Got to love those free apps!
And one last thing, I have a bunny doll that will be ending tonight on ebay! Just click my Ebay link at the top right hand column of my blog.
Have a Wonderful evening my blogger friends!!